Life can be Complex. Hosted by Bernard L. Orozco, Beyond The Complex is a podcast about sharing self-motivational topics to help you gain a further perspective about life. Want to know how to improve your focused mindset towards your personal brand on the daily? We will explore solutions to complex situations and how they tie into popular culture, solopreneurship, and self-discovery. Join me as we take this journey with like-minded individuals sharing epic stories. Complexity is in One’s Mind. Be Kind. Be Safe. Be Zen!

Tuesday May 25, 2021
Authentic Freedom Expression | Ruta Stasiunaite
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
S1 | #13 | “When you’ve learned to a certain point, you become a mentor. Once a mentor, you become positive influencer.” My very special guest is Ruta Stasiunaite. She is an Inner Wealth/Life/Success and Transformational Coach. We will be discussing what it means to be authentic and how truly special it is to have the freedom to express ourselves during these times.

Tuesday May 18, 2021
Shadow Games
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
S1 | #12 | “Having kindness and consideration for others goes a long way.” Know your surroundings and actual intentions by those around you. Always be your true self and you will attract the right energy when you need it the most.

Tuesday May 11, 2021
Living Life To The Fullest | Joan Kling
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
S1 | #11 | “You can never take back what you say but you can make it up through actionable intentions.” Today's special guest is Joan Kling, a Leadership/Executive/Mentor Coach, Keynote Speaker, and owner of Joan Kling Coaching. Join us as we will be talking about the complexities that surrounds us on the daily and the many wonders life has to offer.

Tuesday May 04, 2021
Know Your Niche | Meg Iredale
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
S1 | #10 | “Time waits for no one. Live life in the now.” I am joined by Meg Iredale, company owner at Megan Iredale Sales Copywriter to go over just how important it is to represent your defining niche to truly impact others. Having a passion, knowledge set, and drive will have a lasting impression on all interactions you connect with.

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
What A Difference A Decade Makes | Josh Miller
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
S1 | #9 | "There are defining moments in your life that further shapes you for your purpose." I am joined by Josh Miller, CEO of Miller Media Consultants, Inc. to further give perspective while sharing our personal stories that helped us realize our current journeys. Always take away everything you have experienced, for it will make you stronger as a person.

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Paradigm Shifts
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
S1 | #8 | “You have the power to change anything that you don’t want in your life”. Life can be filled with never-ending challenges, obstacles, and wonder at times. Embrace on what is and what can become and your destiny will reveal itself. Follow the signs...

Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Defining Success | Creative Mindset
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
S1 | #7 | “What can be taught can be learned and what can be learned can be taught.” Being successful has many defined characteristics. Everyone has a different perspective on what inspires creativity and success in general. Know yourself and what you are truly capable of…then witness the magic happen.

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
True Leadership | Inner Circle
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
S1 | #6 | “We all have a role to play on the greater stage of life, make sure you take center stage when it's your turn.” A true leader exudes many traits but the most important are humbleness and empathy. We all value meaningful and impactful relationships in our everyday. The bonds we establish will help us to get through the worst and best of times.

Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Hollowed Meanings
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
S1 | #5 | “A journey never taken is experience never gained.” Our way of life has changed so much that we can’t differentiate between what is truth and what is falsehood. We must follow our natural callings to gain the perspective necessary to find our greater purpose.

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
How To Gauge A Successful Business
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
S1 | #4 | “Don’t always concentrate on the negative, rather focus on what can be.” Starting and maintaining a business can be overwhelming. When you have the drive and ambition you can subside common doubts. Fully know what you are getting yourself into…something epic!